Installation of Server - Ubuntu 20.04

  1. Go to Ubuntu and download Ubuntu Server 18.04 -

  1. Once downloaded, use any tools available to write the image to a USB (alternatively a CD/DVD)

  1. Boot up from USB on Server and choose your preferred language

  1. If there is an installer update available, chose to update. The update might take a few minutes

  1. Setup your network conditions for the server. You will also need to setup the proxy on the next screen

  1. Configure the Ubuntu Archive mirror

  1. Configure your file partition - click the β€œDone” if you are happy with the default. Please refer to the Ubuntu help docs for partitioning at the top of the page

  1. Setup your default user profile

  1. Setup the OpenSSH so you can ssh into the server

  1. You will not need to install any snap objects - once completed the installation should start


Your installation process should be starting. It will take a few minutes to install.